27 research outputs found


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    Brain and Neck Visualization Techniques

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    Automatic detection od asymmetry elements in dynamic CBF brain perfusion maps

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    W artykule zaprezentowano nowy algorytm pozwalaj膮cy na detekcj臋 asymetrii na dynamicznych mapach perfuzji m贸zgowej CBF. W pierwszym etapie algorytm dokonuje detekcji osi symetrii zobrazowania przechodz膮cej pomi臋dzy p贸艂kulami m贸zgowymi. W drugim etapie algorytm ocenia stopie艅 asymetrii przep艂ywu krwi w zobrazowaniu poprzez detekcj臋 region贸w o r贸偶nym przep艂ywie w obu p贸艂kulach m贸zgowych. Algorytm zosta艂 przetestowany na 28 zobrazowaniach perfuzyjnych, w艣r贸d kt贸rych znajdowa艂y si臋 zar贸wno przypadki z nieprawid艂owo艣ci w przep艂ywie krwi m贸zgowej, jak i przypadki bez anomalii przep艂ywu. Om贸wiony zosta艂 r贸wnie偶 spos贸b pomiaru ilo艣ci krwi przep艂ywaj膮cej przez m贸zg przy u偶yciu niedyfunduj膮cego wska藕nika w oparciu o konwolucyjny model Meiera-Zierlera oraz spos贸b konstrukcji map CBF, CBV, MTT i TTP.This paper presents a new algorithm that enables detection of asymmetry in dynamic CBF perfusion maps. In the first stage of the algorithm detection of symmetry axis of image (between left and right hemisphere) is performed. In the second stage the level of asymmetry in cerebral blood flow is measured by detection of regions with different perfusion in both brain hemispheres. The algorithm was tested on a set of 28 different images showing or not cerebral blood flow anomalies. The paper also describes the method for estimating cerebral blood flow with a non dijfusing contrast agent based on the Meier-Zierler convolution model as well as CBF, CBV, MTT and TTP perfusion maps

    Computer generation of dynamic brain perfusion maps and they application in neuroradiology

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    W artykule szczeg贸艂owo zaprezentowano sposoby komputerowego generowania dynamicznych map perfuzji m贸zgu uzyskiwanych w trakcie bada艅 technikami CT (Computer Tomography) oraz MR-DSC (Magnetic Rezonanse Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Imaging). W szczeg贸lno艣ci om贸wione zosta艂o znaczenie poszczeg贸lnych parametr贸w dynamicznej perfuzji struktur m贸zgowia, spos贸b konstruowania krzywych wzmocnienia kontrastowego (Time Density Curre), prawo dyfuzji Ficka, pomiar ilo艣ci krwi przep艂ywaj膮cej przez m贸zg przy u偶yciu niedyfunduj膮cego wska藕nika, w oparciu o konwolucyjny model Meiera-Zierlera, spos贸b przeprowadzenia dekonwolucji za pomoc膮 rozk艂adu na warto艣ci osobliwe (SVD), oraz konstrukcj臋 map CBF, CBV, MTT i TTP (Cerebral Blond Flow, Cerebral Blood Volume, Mean Transit Time, Time to Peak). Praca zawiera r贸wnie偶 por贸wnanie wynik贸w otrzymanych przy wykorzystaniu r贸偶nych pakiet贸w oprogramowania komercyjnego oraz darmowego pozwalaj膮cego na akwizycj臋 danych pomiarowych oraz generacj臋 map perfuzyjnych. W ostatniej cz臋艣ci pracy zaprezentowano obszar zastosowa艅 dynamicznej perfuzji CTw neuroradiologii oraz opis, w jaki spos贸b podejmuje si臋 diagnoz臋 medyczn膮 za pomoc膮 analizy mapy na przyk艂adzie rzeczywistych przypdk贸w medycznych.This paper presents detailed process of generation dynamic perfusion CT and MR-DSC (Magnetic Rezonanse Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Imaging) maps. It also describes the meaning of all perfusion parameters, the way to construct time density curves (TDC), the Fick diffusion principle, the method for estimating cerebral blood flow with non diffusing contrast agent based on Meier-Zierler convolution model, the deconvolution calculation based on singular value decomposition (SVD), and CBF, CBV, MTT and TTP (Cerebral Blond Flow, Cerebral Blood Volume, Mean Transit Time, Time to Peak), maps construction. The paper consist also comparison of perfusion maps obtained from various commercial and free software. In the last part of this paper the field of usage of dynamic perfusion CT in neuroradiology is presented. There are also some examples in showing the way in which the diagnosis based on perfusion map analysis is statement

    The unified algorithm for detection of potential lesions in dynamic perfusion maps cerebral blood flow, cerebral blood volume and time to peek

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    This paper presents an unified algorithm that enables detection of lesions in cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral blood volume (CBV) and time to peek (TTP) perfusion maps. The algorithm has one adaptive parameter for each type of perfusion map, the rest of algorithm is common for all kinds of perfusion images. There are two steps of the algorithm: in the first step the algorithm detects symmetry axis of a perfusion map (between left and right hemisphere), in the second stage the level of asymmetry in cerebral blood flow, cerebral blood volume or time to peak is measured by detection of regions with different perfusion in both brain hemispheres. Test of the algorithm were performed on a set of 84 different CBF, CBV and TTP images showing or not cerebral blood flow and volume anomalies. The algorithm presented in this publication has achieved satisfactory results. On 85,7% maps asymmetry regions was properly detected

    Real-Time Recognition of Selected Karate Techniques Using GDL Approach

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    Computer - aided detection of brain perfusion lesions

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    Autorzy artyku艂u prezentuj膮 nowoczesne podej艣cie do zadania komputerowego wspomagania detekcji zmian chorobowych perfuzji m贸zgowej. Na podstawie zaprezentowanego w tej pracy algorytmu stworzony zosta艂 systemu wspomagaj膮cy diagnoz臋 medyczn膮, kt贸rego dzia艂anie zosta艂o sprawdzone na rzeczywistych danych medycznych. Rozmiar zbioru testowego obejmowa艂 75 zestaw贸w zobrazowa艅 pochodz膮cych od 30 r贸偶nych pacjent贸w (w zbiorze tym znajdowa艂y si臋 zar贸wno zobrazowania pacjent贸w, u kt贸rych zdiagnozowano zmiany perfuzyjne o r贸偶nym stopniu nasilenia, jak i pacjenci z prawid艂owymi warto艣ciami perfuzji). W 77,3% przypadkach opis zdj臋cia wygenerowany przez algorytm autor贸w by艂 taki sam jak opis sporz膮dzony przez lekarza radiologii.The paper presents a novel approach to analysis of brain perfusion maps based on automatic image understanding. Perfusion-weighted CT (computer tomography) and MR (magnetic resonance) tech-niques, in contrast to MR and CT angiography detecting bulk vessel flow, are sensitive to microscopic, tissue-level blood flow. PCT (perfusion CT) technique enables evaluating total and regional blood flows per unit time. PCT gives a variety of functional maps of cerebral perfusion parameters such as regional Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF), Cerebral Blood Volume (CBV) and Mean Transit Time (MTT). Each pixel of a perfusion map corresponds to the perfusion value at a given point. The colour images help quick diagnosis of an acute stroke in the event of a crisis (Fig. 1). Computer vision at the current development stage offers three types of computer image handling methods [1]: image processing (quality improvement, distinguishing object of interests from the whole complex image), image analysis (defining the features of entire image or particular objects) and pattern recognition. The fusion of those three methods with medical knowledge leads to complete understanding of the visualized symptoms (Fig. 2) [13]. Automatic image understanding of medical images is a new approach that enables drawing con-clusions about the nature of the observed disease process (Fig. 3) as well as deciding on the way in which this pathology can be cured of with use of various therapeutics methods. The validation of the presented algorithms was performed on a set of 75 triplets of medical images acquired from 30 different adult patients (men and women) with suspected ischemia / stroke. In 77.3% cases description generated by the algorithm match the diagnosis made by a physician